Report: Removed Megalopolis Trailer Featured AI-Generated Fake Quotes

Create an image of a futuristic megacity skyline at dusk, with towering neon-lit skyscrapers. Among these, a large digital billboard displays an out-of-focus trailer for a sci-fi movie titled 'Megalop

Report: Removed Megalopolis Trailer Featured AI-Generated Fake Quotes

The recent controversy surrounding the trailer for Francis Ford Coppola’s highly anticipated film, **Megalopolis**, has ignited a significant debate in the film industry. This article delves into the key aspects of the controversy, evaluating the implications of using AI-generated fake quotes and the subsequent fallout.

Key Takeaways

  • The trailer for **Megalopolis** was withdrawn due to the inclusion of **fabricated quotes** attributed to renowned film critics.
  • **Artificial intelligence** was involved in generating these fake quotes, a key part of the controversy.
  • Critics such as **Pauline Kael** and **Roger Ebert** were falsely attributed with negative quotes.
  • This **marketing strategy** backfired, leading to significant backlash.
  • Lionsgate has taken decisive action by severing ties with the marketing consultant involved and issuing an apology.
  • **Megalopolis** is an ambitious project with a substantial budget and faces multiple controversies, yet it remains slated for release.

Fabricated Quotes

The trailer intended to suggest that **negative reviews** of Coppola’s past works were misguided by attributing fabricated quotes to notable film critics.

However, these quotes were not real.

This misleading practice was uncovered, leading to the trailer’s withdrawal.

AI Involvement

**Artificial intelligence** played a crucial role in the controversy.

**Eddie Egan**, the marketing consultant for the trailer, reportedly utilized AI to generate the fake quotes.

This technological involvement underscores ethical concerns in modern marketing practices.

Critics Misrepresented

Prominent critics like **Pauline Kael** and **Roger Ebert** were falsely quoted.

For instance, a quote about **The Godfather** attributed to **Pauline Kael** was entirely fabricated.

Such misrepresentation of critics damages their reputations and misleads the public.

Marketing Blunder

The **marketing strategy** aimed to recast Coppola’s earlier works as controversial.

By using negative reviews, the trailer sought to provoke interest.

Yet, once the authenticity of the quotes was questioned, the approach backfired disastrously.


In light of this controversy, **Lionsgate** has distanced itself from Eddie Egan.

The company has also issued a public apology, acknowledging their oversight in the vetting process.

Lionsgate expressed regret to the misrepresented critics and to Francis Ford Coppola himself.

Film Background

**Megalopolis** is an ambitious, high-budget film with a $120 million investment.

Starring **Adam Driver**, the film represents a significant project for Coppola.

Interestingly, a portion of the budget came from Coppola selling part of his vineyard.

Despite its promise, Megalopolis has been polarizing and fraught with other controversies, including allegations of on-set misconduct by Coppola.

Release Date

Despite the ongoing issues, **Megalopolis** is set to be released widely on **September 27**.

Whether or not the controversies will affect its reception remains to be seen.


Why was the trailer for Megalopolis withdrawn?

The trailer was withdrawn because it featured fabricated quotes attributed to well-known film critics, generated using artificial intelligence.

Who was responsible for the fabricated quotes?

Marketing consultant **Eddie Egan** was responsible for the trailer and the inclusion of AI-generated fake quotes.

What actions did Lionsgate take following the controversy?

Lionsgate severed ties with Eddie Egan and issued a public apology, citing a mistake in their vetting process.

What is the budget of Megalopolis and how was it funded?

The film has a budget of $120 million, partially funded by Francis Ford Coppola selling a portion of his vineyard.

When is Megalopolis scheduled for release?

Megalopolis is scheduled for a wide release on **September 27**.

Gaming Revealed

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