Goblin King and Dreadful Licht King Boss Guide in Rune Slayer – Locations, Tips & Drops
Rune Slayer recently had a sizable update, adding a new zone and a bunch of QoL features. Even though the level cap hasn't been raised, there are two new bosses: the Goblin King and the Dreadful Licht King. We'll tell you everything you need to know about them in this Goblin King and Dreadful Licht King Boss Guide. Table of contents Goblin King and Dreadful Licht King requirements Goblin King Location in Rune Slayer Goblin King Tips & Drops Licht King Guide in Rune Slayer - Location, Tips & Drops Licht King Location in Rune Slayer Licht King Tips & Drops Goblin King and Dreadful Licht King requirements We highly recommend you fight these guys at max level. Even though the Goblin King isn't the toughest boss in the game, doing him at a level lower than 40 is just asking for trouble. Additionally, since this is endgame content, you're going to need a group. Join a Rune Slayer guild (or the official Discord Group) and look for like-minded players. Since this is new content, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a group. Goblin King Guide in Rune Slayer - Location, Tips & Drops Screenshot by Destructoid The Goblin King is actually not that bad, when compared to other tougher bosses. You may not even need a full group to take down this mob. The only really tricky part is getting to it. Goblin King Location in Rune Slayer Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid From Ashenshire, head Southeast to Greatwood Forest (like you were going to fight the Basilisk). At the first large tree, look to the left, and you should see a climbable mountain path leading you to a new zone. Head this way and you'll enter the Whithered Thicket. Inside this zone, there are a few hills separated by a chasm. The Goblin King is at the very bottom of the chasm. Now, there is a normal way to get down, but we're not going to show that to you. Instead, we'll show you the shortcut that 90% of players take whenever they fight this boss. In the middle of the Whithered Thicket (where the Licht King quest NPC is), walk to the edge of the cliff near some skeletons (there should be a bridge with a hanging wine on your left). You need to drop down into the chasm. If you land correctly, you'll only lose about 80 - 90% of your health. Heal up, and head to the left where you'll drop again (but it's a much smaller drop this time) and you should be next to the Goblin King quest NPC. Accept the Quest (if you haven't already and head through the large door where the Goblin King is). Take a look at our images if you're having trouble finding him. Goblin King Tips & Drops Screenshot by Destructoid The Goblin King isn't nearly as threatening as Mother Spider or Dire Bear. If you know what you need, you can probably beat him with only 3 players, maybe even less. Essentially, have one person tank the Goblin King while everyone else attacks him from the back. The Goblin King will attack with ground smash abilities occasionally; these need to be dodged. He can also summon smaller minions. Simply take them out quickly, and you should be good to go. The Goblin King can drop the following items: Curse of the Dune Dragon - Summons a Dune Dragon to do a lot of damage. Requires Demon Sect and Fire Fairy. 1h cooldown. Goblin King's Club - Physical Damage: 19, +24 Strength, +3% Physical Pierce, +2% Crit Chance Cataclysm - Physical Damage: 24, +30 Strength, +10 Spirit, +5 Stamina, +6% Physical Pierce Merchant Ring - +10% item value gain when selling items to merchants Fighter's Ring - Deal +5% increased basic attack damage when below 20% HP. Does not proc on crits. Mana Cleaver Ring - Gain slight Mana Regen on hit. 5 second cooldown for every 50 Intellect. Paladin's Ring - Crit damage taken is reduced by 20% Goblin King Rune - Slot: Weapon, +6 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Stamina, +6% Physical Attack Licht King Guide in Rune Slayer - Location, Tips & Drops Screenshot by Destructoid Unlike the Goblin King, the Licht King is actually pretty tough. In fact, it can one-shot you pretty easily if you aren't careful. Definitely get a full party of players for this fight. Thankfully, getting to the Licht King is actually pretty easy. Licht King Location in Rune Slayer Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid Take the same path as if you were going to see the Goblin King, but don't drop down the cliff. Instead, look around until you see a wall with green shapes around it. Head there, and head through the opened door at the base. Simply go straight while avoiding the acid pools, and you'll reach the Licht King. Licht King Tips & Drops Screenshot by Destructoid Fighting the Licht King is pretty tricky. First of all, you can't even damage the Licht King unless you defeat his summoned skeletons, so make that a priority. Whenever he summons his skeletons, deal with them ASAP (they aren't too tough). The second thing you should do is always be on the move. The Licht King shoots fireballs at random players, and these are known to one-shot you if you take too many hits. You can easily avoid these as long as you keep moving. Additionally, avoiding damage is pretty much mandatory if you want to avoid the party-wipe mechanic: Dread. On the left side of your screen, you'll see a green Dread bar; each time one of the party members takes damage, the Dread bar will rise by a little bit. To lower it, you simply do damage to the Licht King or you avoid taking damage. If the bar fills up all the way, the Licht King will use an ability that will wipe the entire party (regardless of level or equipment). Essentially, destroy the skeletons, avoid the fireballs, deal damage, and watch out for that Dread meter. It will likely take you a few tries, but once you learn the ropes, it will become a very manageable fight. The Licht King can drop the same rings as the Goblin King (Merchant's Ring, Fighter's Ring, Paladin's Ring, and the Mana Cleaver Ring) as well as the following items: Blessing Cho - Summons a giant Toad to deal a lot of damage. 1h cooldown. Tyle - Physical Damage: 11, +18 Strength, +6 Stamina, +3% Physical Pierce, +1% Crit Chance, 6% Hemorrhage buildup on each hit Licht King Rune - Rune Slot: Chest, +3 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +5 Concentration That's all there is to it. Have fun fighting the new bosses in Rune Slayer. Did you know there are new races in the game now? Check out our Rune Slayer Race Tier list to see what's new. The post Goblin King and Dreadful Licht King Boss Guide in Rune Slayer - Locations, Tips & Drops appeared first on Destructoid.