Two Devoted Disney Fans Spent $400,000 Attempting to Rejoin the Exclusive Club 33 After Being Banned

Illustrate two passionate Disney enthusiasts standing outside the exclusive Club 33 entrance, surrounded by Disneyland park's whimsical ambiance. They're holding a briefcase filled with money, looking

Scott and Diana Anderson, both lifelong Disney enthusiasts, spent a decade on the waitlist before finally securing membership to Disneyland’s prestigious Club 33. However, in a shocking turn of events, they were banned from the club, leading to a legal battle that has cost them nearly $400,000. This article explores the intricate details of their legal controversy, financial losses, and unyielding determination to fight perceived injustices.

Key Takeaways

  • Scott and Diana Anderson were devoted members of Disney’s Club 33.
  • The couple spent around $125,000 annually at Disneyland, including membership fees.
  • Scott Anderson was banned from the club due to alleged public intoxication.
  • The Andersons filed a lawsuit against Disneyland, seeking reimbursement and damages.
  • The lawsuit has cost them approximately $400,000 in legal fees.

Background of the Couple

Scott and Diana Anderson, both aged 60, are fervent Disney aficionados.

Their passion led them to wait over ten years to gain the exclusive **Club 33** membership.

Membership and Expenditure

Once they joined in 2012, the couple paid $31,500 annually for Club 33.

In total, their yearly expenditure at **Disneyland** was about **$125,000**.

Incident Leading to the Ban

On September 3, 2017, Scott Anderson was observed by security personnel displaying signs of *intoxication*.

These signs included slurred speech, difficulty standing, and a strong smell of alcohol.

This incident resulted in his *permanent ban* from Club 33.

Previous Incident

Diana Anderson had previously faced a suspension for allegedly using inappropriate language.

Lawsuit Details

The Andersons filed a lawsuit against Disneyland seeking reimbursement.

They requested $10,500 for the four months of unused membership fees in 2017 and an additional $231,000 in damages.

However, they eventually lost the case.

Legal Arguments

Scott’s attorney, Sean Macias, argued that his symptoms were due to a vestibular migraine, not intoxication.

He criticized Disneyland for not conducting a *breathalyzer test*.

In contrast, Disney’s lawyer, Jonathan E. Phillips, said the Andersons were evading the consequences of Scott’s rule breach against public intoxication.

Financial and Emotional Impact

The lawsuit has cost the Andersons approximately $400,000 in legal fees.

The prolonged legal battle has delayed their retirement by five years.

Despite the financial strain, they are determined to appeal the decision and continue fighting.


Diana Anderson stated, I’ll sell a kidney. I don’t care.

Scott Anderson declared, We are fully committed to this fight, believing it is an absolute injustice, and we will pursue this to the end. There is no chance we are letting this go.


What is Club 33?

**Club 33** is an exclusive and secretive club located within Disneyland, known for its luxurious amenities and steep membership fees.

Why were the Andersons banned from Club 33?

Scott Anderson was banned due to alleged public intoxication, while Diana Anderson faced a previous suspension for inappropriate language.

How much did the Andersons spend annually at Disneyland?

Their annual expenditure at Disneyland, including Club 33 membership fees, was approximately **$125,000**.

What are the Andersons seeking in their lawsuit?

They initially sought $10,500 in reimbursement for unused membership fees and an additional $231,000 in damages.

Did the Andersons win their lawsuit?

No, they lost the case but plan to appeal the decision, maintaining their commitment to the fight.

What has been the financial impact of the lawsuit on the Andersons?

The lawsuit has cost the Andersons about **$400,000** in legal fees, significantly impacting their lives and delaying their retirement by five years.

In conclusion, the case of Scott and Diana Anderson reflects their relentless passion for Disneyland and their resolve to fight what they perceive as an unjust decision. Despite the financial and emotional toll, their story is a testament to their unwavering commitment.

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