Ex-Platinum Dev Hideki Kamiya Still Wants To Make Scalebound For Xbox
Source: www.purexbox.com

Ex-Platinum Dev Hideki Kamiya Still Wants To Make Scalebound For Xbox

"I’d love to make it again someday".

Remember a few years back when Platinum Games' Scalebound just wouldn't die? The cancelled Xbox exclusive kept cropping up in conversation thanks to recurring rumours and remarks from Platinum staff - and now the game's original lead has brought the Xbox title up once again.

These days, Hideki Kamiya has formed his own studio — Clovers Inc. — but that isn't stopping the former Platinum dev from talking about Scalebound. This week, his new studio posted a clip of him "reminiscing about the development of Scalebound" - which Kamiya himself reposted, alongside a cheeky "let's do it, Phil!" message.

Read the full article on purexbox.com

Originally published on www.purexbox.com

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